Thursday, September 13, 2007

What a dose of sunshine can do

I just did something I haven’t allowed myself to do since I got back to Canada. I dropped everything, set up a camping chair in the back yard, put my feet up and soaked in some sunshine. There are two reasons why I haven’t done this till now. There wasn’t the opportunity and there wasn’t enough WARM sunshine! I am home today working at my computer for upcoming meetings. I hardly realized the sunshine was there and warming up till it started tickling my back from the window. The warmth made me smile, then I closed my eyes and let it massage my back. I finally gave in and went outside.

I settled down into the chair and my heart beat started slowing down. I looked out over the beautiful lawn and trees and realized that our Creator has used so many greens that no crayon box could duplicate. At first all I could hear was the traffic on the street below then I heard the birds. Warbling, chirping and cawing in dialogue, once in a while flying out to visit each other in the tops of the trees. The sun rays penetrated deep into my bones yet the occasional cool breeze kept me from getting too hot. I felt tingly and relaxed as I do after a good Thai massage! I closed my eyes and slept.

In the stressful, busy lives we live we often feel we can’t stop, like the little gerbil on the wheel that he runs on. He doesn’t realize it is only spinning because he is making it spin as he runs on it. I know this is simplifying things too much, but I do know that the last half hour break in the sun made my wheel stop for a short while and refreshed me.

Go ahead. Go outside and see what the sunshine can do for you!

1 comment:

Gypsy said...

Good for you, friend!! I am just thinking THE EXACT SAME THING the past couple of days here in the UK, what with the sun out everyday (for how much longer, I don't know) and know I should go out and enjoy it--despite the loads of readings that is starting to pile up!! Hope you get to enjoy more wamr sunshines!