Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Total Living

I have been to three men's funerals in the past few weeks. All leaving an indelible mark of Christ in their path.

The first man was only 21 years old. But the wake service went on and on as classmate after classmate gave testimony of his friendship, his influence and his joy of life with God.

The next man was a seasoned Chinese elder in his church. The greatest tribute that was given is how much he loved his family, especially his wife of 60 years and how much he loved God and wanted all to know Him as he did.

The third was a veteran soldier- actually a Brigadier General in the Philippine army. But he also was a governor statesman, teacher, and a man of Christian integrity who refused to take bribes and even advances in his career if it meant compromising his faith.

I just finished reading Beth Moore's book on the life of David. David, like each of these three men was not perfect but a man after God's own heart. Let me quote you something that Beth wrote that my heart resonates with:

Satisfy me not with the lesser of You
Find me no solace in shadows of the True
No ordinary measure of extraordinary means
The depths, the length, the breadth of You
And nothing in between.
Etch the words upon my heart, knowing all the while
No ordinary roadblocks plague extraordinary miles
Your power as my portion, Your glory as my fare
Take me to extremities
But meet me fully there.

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