Thursday, September 06, 2007

Reconnecting to Canada

There is nothing like…

The warmth of a loved one’s embrace after a long absence

A belly laugh over good memories shared over a picnic supper

Talking face to face with friends rather than the impersonal e mail connection

The smell of newly mowed grass

The mighty power of the great Niagara Falls

Not standing out in a crowd because I don’t have honey colored skin and shiny black hair

Taking a deep, deep breath of clean fresh air

Watching commercials I have never seen before

The burst of familiar flavor eating a fresh strawberry

Sleeping under a snuggly comforter

Getting behind the wheel of my car as the driver after 3 years

For the next few months I am going to enjoy being back home in Canada!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! You are happy that is good He!He!He!Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. Have a nice time :).Wishing you well