Saturday, June 09, 2007


I have a nomadic lifestyle so what is home to me? Lets take the last 6 months. I have been in a different country each month. So what makes home to me?

Home is where I am surrounded by people I love and who love me. When I walk into my house and see our family portrait and children’s pictures, I know I am home. It is the place where I have enough hangers for my clothes in the closet. Also where I am free to cook what I want when I want. It’s knowing where to shop for safety pins, groceries and blank DVDs.

Familiar smells make me feel like I am home- like the sheets freshly laundered smelling like my brand of soap powder and my husband’s shaving cream in the morning. Home is a place where if I want to relax I have things on hand, like a good book or movie. Home is where the phone rings and I have my video cam set up to see my kids when I talk to them on skype.

My job takes me around Asia seeing beautiful sights, buying cheap but great clothes at markets, eating great spicey food and doing what I love best- teaching. But when the trip is over and like last night my husband comes out to greet me with a kiss and get my suitcases from the taxi, I know I am home. The greatest place to be!

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